Tuesday, October 29, 2013


(一)  前題

1.1    本會的宗旨是「愛護家庭,建設社會」。

1.2    本會就早前終審法院就變性人W君婚權上訴案的判決表示遺憾,因為一旦傳統一男一女的婚姻制度被改動,實在是為將來非一男一女的婚姻結合開了綠燈,起碼亦為非一男一女的婚姻締造了一個法律空隙,最終可能淡化以至損害一男一女的婚姻制度,屆時,恐怕香港社會便喪失一個行之以久和行之有效的婚姻基礎,結果要因此付上沉重代價!

1.3    當然,我們明白香港是一個法治社會,所以我們會尊重法庭的決定,特別在相關判決未被推翻或未有相關法例對有關事項加以修正前,我們都尊重現行法例和有效的案例指引。本會就W君婚權案的終院判決,曾諮詢一些法律意見,其中有意見如後:


1.4    相關終院的判詞﹝FACV No. 4 of 2012節錄如下﹝見:http://legalref.judiciary.gov.hk/lrs/common/ju/ju_frame.jsp?DIS=87115&currpage=T)
124.       On that basis, we hold that a transsexual in W’s situation, that is, one who has gone through full SRS, should in principle be granted a declaration that, consistently with Article 37 of the Basic Law and Article 19(2) of the Bill of Rights, she is in law entitled to be included as “a woman” within the meaning of MO section 40 and MCO section 20(1)(d) and therefore eligible to marry a man.  We would not seek to lay down a rule that only those who have had full gender reassignment surgery involving both excising and reconstructive genital surgery, qualify.  We leave open the question whether transsexual persons who have undergone less extensive treatment might also qualify.

137.     It is with such disadvantages in mind that we have refrained, at least at this stage, from attempting any judicial line-drawing of our own, contenting ourselves with declaring that a person in W’s post-operative situation does qualify and leaving it open whether and to what extent others who have undergone less extensive surgical or medical intervention may also qualify. 

147.     If such legislation does not eventuate, it would fall to the Courts, applying constitutional principles, statutory provisions and the rules of common law, to decide questions regarding the implications of recognizing an individual’s acquired gender for marriage purposes as and when any disputed questions arise.  That would not, in our view, pose insuperable difficulties.

1.5    我們十分擔憂,若香港的傳統婚姻制度一旦被改動脫離一男配一女的結合而變為任何兩個﹝或多個﹞成年人的結合,則不單會造成婚姻以至家庭的混亂,更會造成對社會及我們後代的衝擊和破壞,事實上現時本地的婚姻與家庭已因為一籃子的因素﹝包括貧富懸殊、工作及教育的壓力、重金錢實利而輕視婚姻和家庭之價值、只強調自由人權而忽視集體承擔等等﹞變得不穩和充滿張力,若一男一女婚姻建制被改動以至破壞,則必會導致以下問題:
a)  婚姻會變得混亂和鬆散,因婚姻的離離合合會造成更多社會問題。
b)  市民特別是青少年對婚姻的期望和尊重會繼續降低。
c)  內地跨性別人士會被吸引來港結婚,導致現時的中港張力和矛盾加劇。
d)  香港社會和政府要為因傳統婚姻被沖淡,因而失卻它本來的凝聚力,並衍生出來的問題和困境付上沉重代價﹝包括顯著公帑支出﹞。
e)  本地華裔市民﹝特別是原居民﹞因傳統婚姻被破壞會感到不滿和憤怒。
f)  婚權改動亦會引發原居民的產業權﹝如丁屋權﹞的繼承和權益問題,加重社會的對立和怨氣!

(二)  本會的建議

2.1    本會認為有關當局應先集中精力處理和化解現時社會上更逼切的問題,如政改、樓價過高和居住問題、因應大陸近年跟香港的互動所產生的不協調問題﹝如奶粉供應、由幼兒以至高等教育的學額不足問題﹞,人口老化和青少年就業問題等,都逼在眉睫!然後再深入研究和處理改變現有婚姻建制的問題。原則是以先易後難,循序漸進來解決問題,並為香港締造一個可持續的健康發展基礎。

2.2    我們懇切呼求各位在位的官員及議員們,凡事都得從大處著想,相信大家都不會反對安居樂業的訴求,我們亦不反對香港要按著世界的轉變而作出調整, 我們更呼籲香港的領袖們,不要為邀功而妄作主張或挑起爭端,否則港人就難以安居樂業了

2.3    預防勝於治療,政府應制訂一套對家庭、德育的友善政策,以推動社會以實際及正面的行動如透過針對性的扶貧措施、講求實效的教育方案、家校合作和邀請其他維護家庭組織/網絡等來促進安居樂業和社會健康持續發展的願景。

2.4    在制定相關措施時,有關當局應以科學的數據和研究來制定一具有前瞻性的政策和措施,而不是頭痛醫頭、腳痛醫腳的做法。

(三)  其他相關意見

3.1    我們同意作為一個面積細小而開放的地區,香港難獨善其身,在制訂相關法制時,實應跟周邊﹝特別是國內﹞的情況和處境一併考慮以維護一國兩制和香港與國家的良性互動勢頭。

3.2    性解放和同志運動gay activism的擴張已造成對傳統婚姻和家庭的威脅和衝擊;而對同性或跨性別性行為只許贊同,不許反對的趨勢,實已導致另一種霸權的出現!香港急切需保障穩定的婚姻及和諧的家庭生活,以締造一個健康背境來理順本港的其他爭拗,所以各界應維護一男一女的婚姻,政府亦應制定和執行家庭友善政策。這亦切合儒家「修身、齊家、治國、平天下」之主張。

3.3    我們呼籲政府和各界能多作良性溝通,特別是議員們應善用他們的權力和資源來疏解矛盾,建設社會而不是混水摸魚!有關當局要注意現時的系統風險,包括財政、行政、立法以至施政效能等限制,針對如本港的金融、法治以至是會影響香港的安定與繁榮的問題,我們祈盼政府和社會賢達們要有遠見,我們支持以民主協商方式解決問題,當然,在重大而必須透過法院解決的問題,香港要依法辦事;就一些會影響中港關係的事情,我們支持有關當局應更主動地尋求必要的人大釋法;因為一國兩制是個新的事物和考驗,合理的釋法可減少本港跟祖國的不協調和衝突,有利香港安定繁榮。

3.4    提到釋法,本會明白有一部份港人是憂心忡忡的,我們假定這憂心是基於上世紀在中國出現的一些混亂和歪象所至﹝如文革和階級鬥爭等﹞,若是如此,港人是需要時間和合理空間來釋除疑慮的;故此,我們更希望見到相關政府或法律界安排定時的官方或半官方交流;促進如何在中國主權下讓香港能更有效體現一國兩制原則的常規機制,以便利中港的法務人員對一些較敏感和互為影響的事情作出交流和協調,一方面可減少釋法的次數,同時又能強化中港互信互助的良性互動。

愛護家庭家長協會 會長 黎浩華 上
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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Our Open Letter to President Obama of USA

Dear President Obama,
Date: 18th June 2013 

We were shocked, indeed outraged, when the Guardian published on June 9th the NSA surveillance scandal as revealed by Mr. Edward Snowden. We wish to thank and applaud the courage of and sacrifice made by Mr. Snowden in exposing the PRISM surveillance scandal masterminded by the NSA of the United States. Our gratitude also goes to the journalist Mr. Glenn Greenwald and his team in publishing the content of the scandal against the wish of the Big Brother of the world.

As Hongkongers, we have had the inclination to regard the Western norms as modern and advanced. Indeed, we would certainly choose to live in a democratic society as freemen instead of one which is ruled by tyranny or despotism. However, we are becoming less and less impressed by such slogans as “we are the justice (protector, standards, etc.) of the world”. By looking at what Uncle Sam has been doing and advocating in recent eras, the world today is still far from the ideal and admiration longed for by many of our forefathers.

Coming back to the PRISM scandal, we wish to ask you to offer a clear and justified explanation to the people being monitored or affected by the NSA surveillance program, especially those outside of the USA. Obviously, we would like to know how far and how deep we, Hongkongers, have been monitored and our privacy invaded. We deserve to know the reasons behind any such similar surveillance actions or programs. Even though we are not Americans, we do wish to question your integrity in terms of your pledges of civil liberties and greater transparency made during your presidential election in the past.

Why should we suffer such infringement upon our privacy and sovereignty which are so much treasured by the people of the civilized world? To say the least, the PRISM surveillance can easily create injustice and damage to its targets, those being accused unilaterally and subjectively by the NSA secret services. Indeed, there is no convincing check and balance visible to the public.

We happened to notice that one of our friendly NGO’s, namely, the Federation of the Yau Tsim Mong Parent-Teacher Association (YTM PTA) has surprisingly been pinpointed by the US State Department in its 2012 China Human Rights Report. The apparent reason is simply that the chairperson of the YTM PTA has made some remarks to the effect that the parents have a concern over the controversial legislation to forbid the so-called sexual orientation discrimination. Besides the question of reverse discrimination, most issues concerning sexual orientation are still controversial globally today. Even in USA, different states deal with the issues differently. Furthermore, Section 3 under Article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education that shall be given to their children. The remarks by the said chairperson are mainly an expression of her wish to uphold the concerned parental right.

As far as we know, the US State Department is so bureaucratic as to ignore a written request from the said NGO for an explanation of why and how the NGO was pinpointed. Coupled with Snowden’s revelation, we believe that parents and teachers are being wiretapped and monitored by the US State Department electronically. If such were the case, the world’s Big Brother is truly engaged in a massive surveillance program to terrorize the world!

Even if we accept the pretexts based on national security and safety for NSA’s secret surveillance, one could hardly be convinced that such snooping efforts are effective and justified. The recent Boston bombing incident is clearly a counter example as Russian authorities alerted the U. S. several years ago that the Tsarnaev brothers were potential trouble makers. According to news.investors.com, (see also Is Islam the most favored religion?) while the White House assures that tracking US citizens’ phone calls and keystrokes is to stop terrorists, and yet it won't snoop in mosques ever since 2011 which could explain why the Tsarnaev brothers were missed. The recent scandal of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) targeting conservative-oriented groups in the States is another tip of the iceberg implicating the heavily biased politics in US. Thus, our belief and queries on the legitimacy and effectiveness of the NSA surveillance program are well-founded with prima facie evidence.

Let us suggest to you that you should honestly and conscientiously re-examine the NSA surveillance and such programs. Should you conclude that the programs are indispensable, people outside the States (at least) should be given justified and convincing justifications accordingly. As Chinese, we wish to tell a Confucian proverb to you, namely, “Don't do to others what you don't want others do to you.” Since you admit you are a Christian, let us also share with you Jesus’ teaching: do to others whatever you would like them to do to you (Matt. 7:12). Regards.

Yours sincerely,

Howard Lai,
President, Parents for The Family Association.

Email: parents4family@gmail.com (R.S.V.P.-No secret service, please)

Saturday, February 9, 2013






註一:www.massresistance.com AnalysisHow Gay Marriage Won in Maine……另外Family Research Council網頁也有文章。


Sunday, January 13, 2013



若你出席了今天的愛家共融祈禱音樂會的盛會,護家協會謹此向你致謝!請嘗試看看圖中有沒有你的面貌。祝大家 「夫妻相愛,家庭幸福」,順祝香港社會和諧,人人安居樂業!
