致 香港特別行政區政府 (添馬添美道2號政府總部東座12樓)
政制及內地事務局局長 (面呈)
1. 就相關之性傾向及跨性別議題,本會有以下立場:
甲. 我們支持和諧及互讓互諒的社會
乙. 反對為性傾向歧視、性別承認或同性婚姻等議題立法
丙. 反對現階段對相關議題作諮詢
2. 以下是本會相關立場的原因
甲. 香港現時形勢,對家庭及男女婚姻穩定良好發展十分不利,正是內憂外患,例如今天的離婚率十分高企,約為每年(初次)結婚數目的50%以上!又因社會貧富懸殊,工作,養兒育女以至居住,交通及教育都充斥著眾多問題和壓力,加上社會因為政治取態而變得相當分化及對立,可以說若政府一方仍未審時度勢,在已經高漲的壓力氛圍下,做出一些火上加油的行為,如強推甚麼為性傾向歧視和性別承認等諮詢,實屬不智,隨時會引爆一個計時詐彈!
乙. 按優次,政改,23條立法,年龄歧視等都高於所謂性傾向歧視的問題,若要諮詢,倒不如先為政改或年齡歧視等議題諮詢,勿本末倒置地為所謂性傾向問題等諮詢。
丙. 就外國例子,一旦為性傾向以至性別承認等立法,必會觸發社會抗爭和對立,常會造成動盪以至暴力衝突!此外,一旦相關議題立法,必會造成逆向歧視的問題,屆時言論、良心以至信仰自由必受壓制,必會禍及婚姻、教育、經商以至其他相關的所謂平權議題,例如房屋編配、孩子領養及父母權利等的矛盾!
丁. 今天適藉土地及政改諮詢,土地房屋問題迫在眉睫,又碰上山竹的衝擊,交通幾乎癱瘓,都要急於解決,若政府再推出另一個充滿爆炸性的諮詢,恐會生亂!
3. 本會對理順所謂性傾向或跨性別議題之分析
甲. 香港是一個法治社會,其運作有賴行政,立法及司法之三鼎配合,若其中一環出事,必會導致其他2環受害!
乙. 本會曾在臉書﹝FB﹞上向特首進言指出政府要認真以基本法和一國兩制為本,研究和落實行政主導(fulfill the Administration's leading edge),好讓三權能有效獨立運作而不分歧,以至能下情上達,政通人和,施政有理、有力及有情,好使市民能以政府為傲,政府能以市民為榮。
丙. 確保香港在過渡時之生活方式得以保存,確立50年不變之內涵,在一國兩制及基本法之基礎上,明確繼續維護男女兩性之秩序,一男一女婚姻的必然性及自然男女婚姻為基礎之家庭價值,以保守香港社會之自然根基能良好運作及發展,同時要小心分析所謂平權問題,勿矯枉過正,以至顛倒是非!
丁. 切勿讓平機會之類的機構胡作非為,因為囫圇吞棗地照抄西歐的一套平權案例以至做法,不論就歷史進程,港人風俗及國體國權都不合宜,若勉強行之(例如強行立甚麼性傾向歧視法,同性婚姻合法化等),只會張冠李戴,不倫不類,更會造成逆向歧視,社會不公,更會分裂社會,敗壞社教!事實上,平機會及近期港大民調有明顯之預設立場,十分不可靠!
4. 略論平機會之問題
甲. 本會曾於2018年1月6日向貴局投訴平機會越軌向跨部門性別承認小組遞交未經公眾諮詢及偏頗的意見書,原因如下:
乙. 若相關的制度真的被政府採納的話,它必對現行男女秩序作出翻天覆地的影響,例如男女再不會單純地按某人生理性別來分野,這會影響到諸如現行的性別歧視條例的釋義和執行,對於一般的中小企而言,它們將要重新評估就男女性別所作出的安排和義務承擔,例如配偶福利,廁所之設計及數量等等,而教育界亦要重新為男女性別作出劃分標準和安排等等‧‧正是牽一髮而動全身;平機會怎可如此魯莽行事呢?
丙. 平機會近年不時藉不同活動來大力支持所謂同跨運議程﹝LGBT Agenda﹞,實在是居心叵測!例如2014年平機會所做的所謂四合一歧視條例公眾諮詢,當中為所謂的「事實婚姻」正名及規範化建議便引起了廣泛之爭論!
丁. 平機會歷任主席都被指為用人唯親及有大花筒等問題,甚至城大宋立功博士亦指出,平機會主席不斷替換,反映「內部管理好多問題」!
戊. 陳章明於12月23日左右仍指性別承認議題在香港太新,亦有爭議性,期望可以從長計議。誰知平機會於2018年1月2日發新聞稿及上載2017年尾已提交的性別承認諮詢意見書,竟建議政府採納最寬鬆的自我聲明模式及訂立多項侵害人權的立法措施!突顯其混亂以至陳主席的誠信問題!
5. 略論普通法之問題:
甲. 本會自所謂W婚權案,以至近期QT受養人案及在候審中的MK案,深表憂慮和關注,原因是終審法院一面倒的只強調所謂先例約制原則﹝stare decisis﹞而忽略了香港之獨特性,包括華人文化背境,民意及男女有別,婚姻及家庭之基石等重大元素!令人感慨及唏噓!因基本法已訂明本港可沿用普通法,但終審職能已由英倫交回本港,加上有人大釋法之規定,香港本可仿傚星架坡或大馬,明訂英倫及相關西歐法例只能作為參考,絕不能越過本地司法機構之判斷,更不能與人大釋法相提並論,否則,今天香港名為回歸,然法治仍被大英帝國拖著尾巴而行,何等荒謬!何等怪誕!
(164段). There
is no evidence that social attitudes in Hong Kong on the institution of
marriage have changed to the extent that this concept of marriage has been
abandoned or generally and substantially weakened. As I shall seek to
demonstrate later, the traditional concept of marriage was one of the main
bases on which the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) in the cases prior
to Goodwin v UK (2002) 35 EHRR 18, held that there was no
violation of the right to marry by limiting the institution of marriage to
exclude transsexual men and women; and it was the change in this concept in
Europe and the UK as perceived by that court which persuaded it to come to a
different conclusion in Goodwin.
165. When
the Basic Law was drafted in the 1980s and promulgated in 1990, the
meaning of marriage in art 37 must have been informed by the state of the
domestic legislation at the time. (See the relevance of the state of domestic
law as part of the context for interpretation of a constitutional provision
in Chong Fung Yuen v Director of Immigration (2001) 4
HKCFAR 211.) The right to marry under that article was clearly intended to
refer to the right to marry of a man and woman as it was then understood. The
case law and statute law have adopted the Corbett approach,
i.e. applying only the biological criteria, in deciding whether a party to a
marriage is a man or woman. That was the basis of the right to marry intended
to be protected under art 37 when it was drafted/adopted and promulgated.
170. Until
the present case, the position has always been that the right to marry
protected under art 37 is understood to refer to the right to marry under the
current legislation which was based on the Corbett approach.
While a constitutional provision can be given an updated meaning if the
circumstances so require, there must be strong and compelling reasons for the
Court now to depart from what has been generally understood to be the law on a
matter as fundamental as the marriage institution which has its basis in the
social attitudes of the community. A firm line has to be drawn between giving
an updated interpretation to a constitutional provision to meet the needs of
changing circumstances on the one hand and making a new policy on a social
issue on the other. The latter is not the business of the court. For the former
function, the court must be satisfied that there is sufficient evidence to show
that the present circumstances in Hong Kong are such as to require the court to
construe art 37 differently from the law which formed the basis on which this
article was drafted/adopted. In my view, in the absence of such evidence,
the Court should not invoke its power of constitutional interpretation to make
such a radical change.
護家協會 會長黎浩華上