Monday, December 19, 2016

STOP the Sexualization of Children!

According to Family Watch International (FWI) website, Parents for Family would recommend our friends to read the following action by FWI:

While there is NO universal definition of "comprehensive sexuality education" (CSE) and what it includes, CSE is a highly controversial, "rights-based" approach to sex education.... Developed in the West, primarily in the United States, CSE is now being implemented in most countries around the world!

CSE programs seek to change society by changing sexual and gender norms and teaching youth to advocate for their sexual rights. Most CSE programs promote acceptance of diverse sexual identities and orientations and enlist youth in combating “homophobia” and "heterosexism." These CSE programs have an almost obsessive focus on sexual pleasure, instructing children and youth at the earliest ages on how to obtain sexual pleasure in a variety of ways. Some programs even encourage sexual exploration for children as young as age five.

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