Saturday, August 23, 2008


(1) 有人鼓吹性解放(Sex advocacy),已導至本地離婚率、婚外情、婚前性行為,濫交以至同性戀和家庭暴力事件上升!
(2) 別有用心(Conduct with an ulterior motive)的社運人士,他們常以保障小眾或受害社群為由,如同性戀、易服癖、天體運動等,很遺憾地,他們只強調個人之極端自由,而不顧社會失去道德價值後的禍害和破壞!
(3) 凡事向錢(Money)看的人士,他們不是只顧肥己,就是鼓吹幾乎所有的問題都可以單用錢來解決,例如有議員騙取公帑,又有人只曉得不斷向政府要錢要人,而不對有關之問題作深入了解和研究─例如很多人都只關注天水圍而忽略其他類似的社區﹝如深水埗﹞的需要。
(4) 以偏見(Prejudice) 作為真理,一些自稱民意代表,常會以自己的意願當成民意,對社會上其他不同的聲音,不是充耳不聞,就是貶為歪理,結果民意不斷被壟斷和歪曲了!

各位立法會選民,在9月7日,請不要把你的一票投給有 "S-C-M-P-" 問題的候選人,請投票給對家庭、社會和下一代有承擔和認識的候選人。



Message from Parents for The Family

We are concerned that the core value of H.K., i.e. “Love the family and contribute to the society” is under threat and obliteration. The more prominent problems include:
(1) Sex advocacy and its supporters have led to rises in divorce rates, extra-marital affairs, pre-marital sex & promiscuity; homosexuality, and transvestism in their campaigns for sexual liberation.
(2) Conduct with an ulterior motive – some campaigners use the excuse to protect minorities such as gay persons, transvestites and nudity. Regrettably, they are only after an extreme individual freedom while neglecting the grave consequences of a demoralized society!
(3) Money – some people are either money lovers or they advocate that money alone is sufficient to resolve almost all the problems. Examples are deceit cases with some councilors. Also, some people only know to ask the authority to provide money and resources without probing into the real causes of the problems, e.g. the neglect over problematic districts such as Sham Shui Po vs. the overwhelming attention given to Tin Shui Wai regarding poverty.
(4) Prejudice – there are people who only consider their own opinion as the truth without paying attention to other voices in the society. Very often, they even slam the opposite opinions as prejudiced and bigoted. Indeed, they are the real source of prejudice!

We beg you to vote AGAINST those Legco candidates with "S-C-M-P-" characteristics on 7-9-08 to protect our families. Thanks.

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